Manhattan Ballet and Movement Center is dedicated to creating a safe and supportive environment that fosters creative expression, inclusivity, and a passion for dance. With a strong foundation in classical ballet, we help young dancers build self-esteem, confidence, and self-discovery through dance.  At MBMC, we celebrate and nurture each dancer's unique abilities within a cohesive and loving community.



Our goal at Manhattan Ballet and Movement Center is to nurture graduates who are well-rounded, self-assured individuals, equipped with the discipline and inspiration to shape their own futures.



Every child will be evaluated and placed according to age and ability.

Creative Movement Program

Ages 3-4
The focus is on igniting children’s Imagination in response to music.  Montessori musical instruments are incorporated into the class to encourage movement through musical exploration.  Through fun and interactive play, children develop rhythm recognition, refine hand-eye coordination, and sharpen their concentration skills.

Uniform –

Girls: Pink Leotard, tights, and slippers

Boys: White T-shirt, Black Tights or Shorts and Black Slippers


Pre-Ballet Program

Ages 5-6
 Children are introduced to the basic principles of ballet technique, learning quickly and feeling a great sense of accomplishment.  Musicality is enhanced through education on time signatures and their relation to dance – like waltzes in 3/4 time, polkas in 2/4 time, and cha-chas in 4/4 time.  Each class concludes with a Creative Group Dance, where the children have the freedom to choreograph their own dance.

Uniform – Girls: White Leotard, tights, and slippers

Boys: White T-shirt, Black Tights or Shorts and Black Slippers

Professional Graded Ballet Program

Elementary Years
During the elementary years, dancers develop proficiency and skill in technique.  As they progress to secondary school, their training expands to include education on choreographers, composers and variations workshops, further enhancing their dance experience.

Uniform –

Beginner Technique Girls: Lt Blue Leotard, pink or flesh colored tights, and slippers

Intermediate Girls: Navy Leotard, pink or flesh colored tights, and slippers.

Advanced Girls: Black and White Leotards, pink or flesh colored tights, and slippers.

All Boys: White T-shirt, Black Tights or Shorts and Black Slippers

Summer Arts Program

Schedule to be posted by January 15th 2025


For Children’s Program and Cardio Tone

Call 929 502 6392


e-mail: jgroenke@manhattanballetandmovement.com

for rates, to schedule a level placement and to register

For BARRE NONE and Iyengar Yoga:

click on the appropriate page and follow the booking instructions

Modern Program

Contemporary in form, Modern Dance utilizes abstract movements to convey ideas, feelings, and emotions.  In class, dancers explore movement concepts such as fall and release, space and time, unison, sequence opposition, and dance energies.  They will focus on alignment, core strength, and balance to enhance flexibility and strength while growing musically and artistically. 

Uniform – All Dancers: form fitting top and bottom and lyrical shoes.  Dancers can also go barefoot or wear socks.


*** We sell Leotards, tights and slippers


Our Studio

Manhattan Ballet and Movement Center LLC.
1010 Park Avenue
New York, NY, 10028
United States

929 502 6392



Contact Us

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Our History and vision

The Manhattan Ballet School is a professional school dedicated to the traditions of classical ballet in New York City. For over 50 years the school has inspired children to achieve creativity through the art of ballet. At all levels a dance education gives them poise and self confidence.

Faculty members are professional dancers with the highest teaching standards whose holistic approach to ballet technique draws from the Vaganova and Cecchetti methods. Believing children learn best in a caring atmosphere, Elfriede Merman has created an environment where each child's ability is nurtured.

A central feature of the school is the chance to perform twice a year in professional productions from as early as four years of age. With The Manhattan Ballet Company, the School produces an annual Nutcracker Suite and a Spring Dance Concert featuring students, graduates and guest artists. Appearing before live audiences and experiencing the magic of theater is pivotal for children’s development as it promotes a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Productions are carefully choreographed, enveloping every performer’s unique skill so that every child gets to shine .

Our vision is to see our graduates emerge as well-rounded, confident young individuals who possess self-awareness, discipline and inspiration to shape their own future in career of their choice.

MBS is a community of parents, students, graduates and guest artists who come together in their embrace of fun and joy that ballet performances bring each semester.




Jennifer Groenke arrived at the doorsteps of The Manhattan Ballet School at the tender age of seven.  Elfriede Merman and Patricia Savoia (former partner and co-director), trained Jennifer in her early years through her adolescence.  As Jennifer became more passionate for her love of ballet, she auditioned before the board for a scholarship that would ultimately allow her to study the art form everyday.  With the approval of Mrs. Merman and Mrs. Savoia, Jennifer was sponsored by a board member and was granted a full scholarship.

As Jennifer matured, her attention was drawn to the Early Childhood Development Program at The Manhattan Ballet School.  She was eager to learn and closely observed the classes that were developed by Mrs. Merman and Mrs. Savoia.  Their gentle and imaginative approach inspired Jennifer to want to do more than be just a student and subsequently began her transition into teaching.

Under the close guidance of her mentor and longtime friend Elfriede Merman, Jennifer has dedicated her life to encouraging young dancers to find their artistic freedom and express themselves to the best of their ability.

Jennifer has now instructed students for over 25 years, each year perfecting her talents in teaching technique, directing performances and adapting choreography to the students in each age group while remaining deeply rooted in the founders’ vision.

In her every day tutelage at the Manhattan Ballet School, children find an artistic home that feels unique, safe and special.

Predecessor Director: Elfriede Merman (Elfriede Camilla von Busse)

As a child, Elfriede Merman was chosen for classical ballet training at the prestigious gov-ernment-sponsored Staats Oper in Munich. Her renowned teachers were Erna Gerbel, Tatiana Gsovsky and Choreographer Pino Mlakar, then ballet master of the Staats Oper in Munich. At this time the Opera House was under the directorship of Clemence Kraus and H. Hartman. The opera’s conductor, composer Richard Strauss, was so taken by the young Elfriede that he influenced  Mlakar to give her solo roles in the premiers of his Josef Legende and Capriccio and Verklugene Feste and Tyl Eulenspiegel. It was at this time that she met her lifelong coach and friend, Natasha Boskovich.

Later, in Paris, she was coached by the legendary teacher, Olga Preobrajenska and studied with Victor Gsovsky. She danced with choreographer/ballet master Marcel Luipart and in New York joined Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo under the directorship of Serge Denham with Leonide Massine as artistic director.

With the Ballet Russe Company, she toured four continents with its stars Alexandra Danilova, Nina Novak, Frederic Franklin and Andre Eglevsky. Her solo roles were in Scheherazade, the Polovtsian dances from Price Igor, Les Sylphides, Three Cornered Hat, Carnival, Firebird, La Bayadere and the “Bluebird” variation in Aurora’s Wedding.

Through her friendship with Dr. Gertrude Bondi, director of The Windsor Mountain School in Massachusetts, she made the transition from performer to teacher and developed the ballet department of the school. Her students included Liza Minnelli, Jane Fonda and Shari Belafonte. Three years later, former New York City Ballet member Patricia Savoia joined her, and together they opened The Manhattan Ballet School.

The mission of the school, for the past forty years, has been to incorporate traditional ballet technique with music, drama, coaching and performance opportunities, based upon Mrs. Merman’s extensive professional background.



“I began at the Manhattan Ballet School when I was six and danced there for 12 years. It remains one of my most cherished memories of growing up. Our teacher, Ms. Jennifer, taught us not only strong dance technique, but also how to create deep friendships and grow as individuals.  Performing on stage twice a year helped me gain confidence, and forced me to learn how to calm my nerves under pressure and strive for greatness.  As I got older and my role at the school became more prominent, I was even granted the opportunity to choreograph my own pieces for performances.  I will forever remember my years at the Manhattan Ballet School and I am so thankful to have found a second home that I can return to for years to come.” 

Jordan Carey, Indiana University

“I would not be who I am today without the Manhattan Ballet School. My mother took classes at MBS as a young adult, and I am forever grateful that, at seven years old, I, too, became a member of this loving and supportive community. Manhattan Ballet School taught me the discipline of classical ballet, the creativity of modern dance, and the beauty of student choreography. However, the greatest gift I received from MBS is the family I will treasure for the rest of my life. I never miss an opportunity to help backstage and give back to the school that gave everything to me.”

Sydney Leon, Northwestern University

“In second grade, when I joined the Manhattan Ballet School, I was immediately met with a welcoming and encouraging community that would become my family. At MBS, I have met my closest friends and most important mentors. While learning ballet, pointe, and modern dance, I developed skills that helped me grow during my ten years at the studio. As a college student now, I still look forward to helping backstage every year and seeing Ms. Jennifer’s beautiful performances. I owe so much of who I am to this school.”

Francesca Cruz, Yale University 

“When I enrolled at the Manhattan Ballet School in the second grade, I was welcomed by a supportive and accepting environment that would eventually become my family. My dearest friends and most significant mentors are people I met at MBS. Throughout my ten years at the studio, I learned modern, pointe, and ballet, and I also developed abilities that helped me advance in more ways than one. Even now, as a college student, I still eagerly anticipate working backstage and enjoying Ms. Jennifer's lovely performances each and every year; getting to come back and see the improvement and growth from my past classmates. I owe this school so much of who I am, and Manhattan Ballet School will forever have a place in my heart.”

Sasha O’Halloran, Elon University

 “I danced for 10 years at Manhattan Ballet School and it was and is such an important part of my life. Not only did I find my passion for dance, but I also made lifelong friendships. It truly became a second home and family to me. I looked forward to seeing my loving teachers every day who pushed me to be the best dancer and person I could be. Without them, I wouldn’t have the confidence, strength, or work ethic that I have today. MBS fostered such a passion for dance in me that I even continued my dance career in college! I am so grateful for all the school has given me, and owe so much to it.”

Tara Carlin, Penn State

My time spent at the Manhattan Ballet School was one of the most treasured aspects of my childhood. I started coming to the MBS at the age of seven, per recommendation by a close friend of mine, and have been a student there ever since. From the beginning, the warm and familial atmosphere attracted many girls my age to come take class, and it became the best part of my day. Our teachers, Mrs. Merman and Ms. Jennifer, taught us not only how to dance, but also other invaluable lessons such as respect, determination, cordiality, and more. Learning how to dance such a beautiful art form, both in classes as well as on stage, made the experience priceless. The relationships and bonds I made with my peers and teachers created some of my best friends and mentors to this day. As we got older, taking extra classes and becoming more involved in the school not only made us more experienced dancers, but better academic students as well. Ballet teaches discipline and perseverance, which helped us manage our time wisely and therefore resulted in continued excellence in our schoolwork. As an older student at the school, I learned how to be a role model to and how to interact with the younger students who looked up to the senior girls of the class. I loved coming to class every afternoon, and seeing my best friends and having the chance to dance in such a beautiful school fostered a real love of ballet that I still have to this day. Our Saturday rehearsals and Nutcracker and Spring Concerts were the highlights of my year: performing such exhilarating shows boosted my confidence and gave me something amazing to be proud of. I will always be grateful for my time spent at the MBS, and hope that any child wishing to learn the art form of ballet will be lucky enough to become a member of this wonderful community."

Marika Chrisanthopolos, Barnard College

"The Manhattan Ballet School has been my second home since I was 5 years old. I consider everyone who works and goes there my family. The Manhattan Ballet School gave me a place to pursue my dreams of becoming a dancer. Thanks to all that I learned there, I am now a dance major at my college, pursuing classical ballet, modern dance, and choreography."

Jacquelyn Dropkin, Skidmore College

"I have been dancing at the Manhattan Ballet School since I was six years old. It became part of my daily routine as I grew up, and I loved every moment of it. Ms. Merman and Mrs. Jennifer have been like family to me, and they have created a close community and welcoming environment where we have all been able to work hard and still enjoy ourselves. Even now that I am at college, I miss being able to go to class almost every day after school, and I still try to attend whenever possible. Ms. Merman, Mrs. Jennifer, and all of the girls I have had the pleasure of dancing with have taught me discipline, stamina, partnership, and support. They have taught me to try my best, even if that means trying it a hundred times. Manhattan Ballet School is a place I know I can always go back to and it will always be dear in my heart."

Elizabeth Makkos, New York University

"I attended the Manhattan Ballet School from first grade through senior year of high school, and it was and will always be such an integral part of my life. Through studying at MBS, I gained not only a strong technique in and love of ballet but also a drive and discipline that continue to help and influence me in all areas of my life. I think that one of the school’s strongest and most unique aspects is the incredibly close community that it fosters, a community of talented, intelligent, well-rounded, and kind individuals who support each other in and out of the studio. I will always be so grateful for the amazing friends that I was able to make and grow up with during my time at MBS, friends whom I have know since I was six years old and who continue to be some of my best friends. I have learned so much from my teachers at MBS, especially Mrs. Merman and Miss Jennifer, who have become my mentors and role models. Growing up, I always looked forward to coming to classes and especially enjoyed rehearsing for our performances. In classes and rehearsals, I could do everything that I loved do. I could dance, learn, and spend time with my best friends; I could work both as an individual and as a member of a community. I also loved having the opportunity to perform on stage. Having graduated two years ago, I miss the school and everyone in it so much, but I love to come back and help out with performances, see my friends and teachers, and take classes again!"

Reagan Menz, Brown University

"The Manhattan Ballet School has been a huge part of my life. I danced at the school from age 3 until I graduated high school. It is a tight knit community of passionate dancers who support each other and encourage each other. I met some of my best friends here and four years later I still love coming back to visit the school and take a class."

Kimberly Davis, Smith College

"I began my studies at The Manhattan Ballet School at age three and it became one of the most influential parts of my life. Ms. Jennifer and Mrs. Merman are dedicated teachers who gave me a strong ballet technique and instilled in me a life long love of ballet. As students, we were not only taught how to dance and perform, but also discipline, determination, and respect for our peers. They have created a beautiful community of dancers who support and encourage each other in and out of the classroom. As I grew up at the school, I was mentored by my teachers and by older students who I looked up to as my role models. In my high school years I then learned how to be a role model for the younger students. MBS taught me valuable life skills including time management, hard work, and tenacity, which also enhanced my academic work. My experience in the classroom and on the stage gave me confidence and poise that has served me in all areas of my life. The warm community at the school enabled me to make life long friends and wonderful memories. Now, in college, I am still coming to class and continuing my ballet education with MBS. It is a privilege to be a part of this school and I am very thankful to be a part of it."

Morgan Wilson, The New School

Book the studio

 Our studio is available for rental for private lessons and private parties.

Please call 929 502 6392 or email Jgroenke@manhattanballetandmovement.com for information

Support our School

The Manhattan Ballet and Movement Center is a nonprofit organization recognized as a 501(c)(3) dedicated to enriching the lives of underserved children and teens through the arts. It offers a variety of dance classes and performance opportunities, fostering creativity, discipline, and self-expression. Additionally, the center engages in community outreach initiatives, including performances in nursing homes, to promote intergenerational connections and bring the joy of dance to a wider audience. Through its commitment to inclusivity and accessibility, the Manhattan Ballet and Movement Center aims to empower youth and create a positive impact in the community.

Our TID # is 99-3911506

Ways to give


Find Us on Venmo


Mail us a check payable to Manhattan Ballet & Movement Center, LLC

and mail to 1010 Park Ave

New York, NY 10028